Pan adnabyddwyf iaith y wlad, A phêr ganiadau tŷ fy Nhad, Dechreuaf gân am farwol glwy' Na chlywir diwedd arni mwy. Enyned tân o gariad cu, Mewn cydsain â'r angylaidd lu - Na byddo'm swydd ond hyfryd sôn Am nefol rinwedd gwaed yr Oen. Pan gaffwyf wel'd ei nefol wedd, A phrofi blâs ei ddwfol hedd, Ni bydd gogoniant pena'r byd, Ond peth annheilwng o fy mryd.William Williams 1717-91 Tôn [MH 8888]: Duke Street (J C Hatton 1710-93) gwelir: Dal fi fy Nuw dal fi i'r làn Mae f'enaid gwan yr awr am ddod Wrth edrych Iesu ar dy groes |
When I know the language of the land, And the pure songs of my Father's house, I shall begin a song about a mortal wound, The end of which shall nevermore be heard. Let a fire of dear love be kindled, In harmony with the angelic host - May my work be only delightfully to tell Of the heavenly merit of the blood of the Lamb. When I get to see his heavenly countenance, And experience a taste of his divine peace, The chief glory of the world shall only Be a thing unworthy of my 2020 Richard B Gillion |